When Mom sees your blog

This tidbit from the Onion is supposed to be, you know, satire. Thanks to Jen for pointing it out. In an e-mail sent to Widmar Monday, Lillian reported in large purple letters that she was “VERY EXCITED :)!!!” to find…

So long, Neal

The Neal Pollack blog is being retired. If you don’t know who Neal is, it means you haven’t been hanging out online with hipster wannabes like I have.

Danger: The Internet is a mind-sucking swamp

Yesterday I noticed this moderately funny Tom Tomorrow cartoon mocking bloggers who support the war in Iraq who face no threat more daunting than an attack of carpal tunnel syndrome. His point (gratingly obvious): If you’re so goddam brave, why…

Worst headline foul-ups

Array of them revealed at Testy Copy Editors. Even the mighty Blanp has some doozies. I also liked this comment. I find that it’s usually the most productive, strap-the-newspaper-on-their-back copy editors who make these shockingly embarrassing mistakes. That’s because they’re…