I couldn’t find a blog for people in the B2B technology content marketing profession, so I decided to create one.
Why me? Because I’ve been doing technology content marketing — mostly in the B2B realm — since I started Verb Nerd Industries back in 2011. I have edited, written, consulted, managed and overseen this stuff pretty much every day since then.
Why blog about B2B technology content marketing?
This is a fascinating corner of the marketing world. B2B companies often have highly specialized products and services that make them excellent candidates for content marketing.
If you do something rare, it’s inherently searchable. So, adding content to a B2B site is an excellent lead-generation technique because web surfers looking for your unique wares will naturally gravitate to your site if you have a lot of content on it.
Also, B2B marketing is about helping people with real jobs fix real problems. As one guy at a marketing conference told me, “I’ve sold enough tacos, ok?”
B2B companies also generate relevant, timely stories that are fascinating to research and write. Awhile back I wrote a blog post for a company that had to rescue a local school from a ransomware attack. Another post explored how a bathroom shower seemed to turn itself on, creating massive water damage. And sometimes we rip stories right from the headlines, like this post in response to the Las Vegas massacre.
Sometimes we do straight-up good deeds. An agency hired me to write blog posts supporting an app that helps inner-city young people stay on their HIV meds. Together we’re helping people stay healthy, avoid spreading the disease and feel good about themselves in a world of stigma and isolation.

A disk drive in honor of all the memorable work we’re doing in B2B technology content marketing.
And I’m just one guy. People are doing memorable work all across the B2B technology content marketing landscape. I hope to send some praise and attention their way.
Who are my favorite people doing B2B technology content marketing?
I’ve met a bunch of excellent people doing this work in the past few years. Here are a few:
Jennifer Goforth Gregory. Jennifer lives down the road from me in the Research Triangle of North Carolina. She’s written a wealth of excellent blog posts on technology, marketing and freelancing. She’s one of the most generous people I’ve met in my online travels.
Liz Alton. I asked Jennifer whom she really admires, and she pointed me to Liz Alton. Click the link and check out her writings and you can tell Liz has tech content marketing down cold.
Nathan Collier. I met Nathan through his Content Marketing Lounge, which is a great place to hang out and get wise on marketing matters. His courses for freelancers are worth every penny.
Benji Hyam. Benji co-founded the Grow and Convert agency. He’s so good at long-form how-to blog posts that he has essentially built a business around them.
Of course there are too many people to name who do fine work in this niche every day. If you know one, pass this link to them.