One of my favorite niches in the technology ecosystem has my least-favorite title: solution providers.
That dull-as-a-butterknife, snooze-inducing name is unfortunate. After all, B2B technology could not exist without the solution-provider niche.
One of my favorite niches in the technology ecosystem has my least-favorite title: solution providers.
That dull-as-a-butterknife, snooze-inducing name is unfortunate. After all, B2B technology could not exist without the solution-provider niche.
Those of us who write a lot of B2B tech copy feel like we have “digital transformation” tattooed inside our eyelids.
Just how pervasive is it? Well, I wrote a blog about digital transformation for a middleware provider in New Zealand. Yes, it’s happening from here to Kathmandu.
The best B2B technology content marketing clients are not necessarily the ones that shower me with cash and stroke my ego.
I like money and praise as much as the next guy, but what I crave most is clients who help me zero in on our immediate problem — figuring out how to put their technology into words and images that help sell it.
I’m putting together a B2B technology content marketing blogroll, and I’m already seeing excellent insights. Just a few snippets that prove my point:
If you’re a newbie to b2b tech content marketing, it might help to go over the basics.
I like to boil things down to their essence:
You need to pound these two points into your head before you even think of fretting over SEO, analytics, toolsets, personas, platforms and everything else.
I couldn’t find a blog for people in the B2B technology content marketing profession, so I decided to create one.
Why me? Because I’ve been doing technology content marketing — mostly in the B2B realm — since I started Verb Nerd Industries back in 2011. I have edited, written, consulted, managed and overseen this stuff pretty much every day since then.