A link I overlooked last week: a Washington Post story about devices that allow drivers to change red lights to green. Link via Kuro5hin.
Nice head
On stand, she’s Rosie the Riveting
Damn those subheads
We put ’em in there to break up long columns of gray type, but at least one writer is sick them gunking up his copy. (Link via Romenesko)
Job openings of note
Orange County Register: news copy editor Olympian (Washington state): Online news editor Cincinnati Enquirer: Weekend editor Prevention magazine: Copy chief (scroll down a few pages to find it) Teaching Tolerance project: Managing editor
Is back from vacation. She posted a very fun link to a video of cat antics. (Note: the link is a WMV file which means you’ll have no trouble opening it in Windows but you Mac users may have to…
Low culture
A cool site I found today that writes stuff like this: Remember that thick-necked, mouth-breathing jock who stuffed you in your locker every day in high school? Well, he’s grown up to become the Secretary of Defense.