The Back Seat, a commuting column at the Oregonian, seems to have invited readers to imagine how Hunter Thompson would handle a commute into Portland. Sample: While beating out the flames from a small fire my attorney inadvertently set in…
Lunch hour reading
“How to Get Out of Iraq.”
Why so few copy editors have joined ACES
American Copy Editor Society head honcho John McIntyre posted the following at the ACES discussion board the other day: According to the latest numbers from ASNE’s survey of newsrooms, there are 10,708 copy editors/layout persons working for America’s daily newspapers.…
Enough of this affirmative action…
… for underqualified white guys, Leonard Pitts says. So, loath though I am to position myself as a spokesman, I feel confident in saying one thing on behalf of black journalists everywhere: When and if our industry decides to deal…
Bloggers aren’t journalists, they are editors. (Link via Doc Searls.)
When the lede needs a rewrite
Today I thought I’d share some useful line-editing advice for a change. For the heck of it I stopped by Tim Ball’s paper, the Wisconsin State Journal in Madison, to mine for news nuggets that would provoke my editorial urge.…