Willcopy meet-up report

I spent yesterday afternoon watching the Packers’-Bucs game with Willcopy of Stylin’ & Smilin’ fame. Two things you need to know about Will: he’s a Bucs’ fanatic, and a lifetime of disappointment countered by a single Super Bowl victory has…


The latest BONG Bull is a mega hoot. A highlight: IN NEWSROOM ETERNAL: A reporter dies and goes to journalist heaven, where St. Peter issues him a harp and a set of moderate-sized wings. “These seem kind of small,” the…

WashPosties, please report

On who this Jennifer Howard is, and why she was allowed to ramble endlessly about blogs but provide not a single fresh insight? Everything in her piece was essentially beaten to death a couple years back in the backlash at…

Feed your comics jones

BoingBoing correspondent Cory Doctorow points to the RSS feeds of various popular comics. By the way if you’re not viewing RSS feeds via a newsreader you’re missing out on a way-cool way to keep up with your favorite blogs. Go…

Feedback on newspaper blogging

An e-mail came in this morning from one of my RSS subscribers. Hi Tom, I’ve been subscribed to your “Prints the chaff” RSS feed for a couple of weeks, and enjoy your thoughts. I was particularly interested in your recent…