Five sure ways to drive up your hit count: Say nasty things about celebrities Say nasty things about politicians Say nasty things about the news media Say nasty things about Microsoft Say nasty things about Apple Anybody sense a pattern…
Did I call that or what?
The right-wing radio jock also said he used some of the loot to remodel his $24 million palace in Palm Beach. Yesterday’s post on Rush and his cash.
Resistance is futile
You will be converged. This is a story about how online newsies are finding their way back where they belong: in the newsroom with the rest of us losers.
Shaw on where the L.A. Times has improved interviews Los Angeles Times media critic David Shaw. Has the Los Angeles Times become a better paper since the Tribune Company acquired it in 2000 and John Carroll took over? David Shaw: I think the L.A. Times under…
Stick to your knitting
Olive Press reports it’s all the rage.
More on nano in the news
NanoBot Howard Lovy links to reportage at a newspaper in Oregon that is dipping its toes into the nanotechnology story. The story is neither sexy nor funny; I just want to be able to say, in the year 2020, “oh,…