Job update

Let’s go huntin’ jobs: Indy Star needs a local news copy editor. Chicago Trib is hiring two metro editors. Biloxi Sun Herald needs an assistant city editor. Dayton Daily News wants a news designer. Dow Jones Newswires is hiring an…

Where have all the young men gone?

Wherever they are, they’re not watching enough TV, the networks says. I have no idea where they’re all going — has a new chain of strip clubs opened? — but because I can blog, I can speculate: must be they’re…

Kids and ancient video games

Nathan Cochrane describes what happens when today’s kids play the first video games. Funny stuff. The gamers thought that the 1981 hit that established Nintendo as more than a company that could print playing cards, Donkey Kong, was “gay, but…

Strunk & White greatest hits

From the page on commonly misused expressions: Compare. To compare to is to point out or imply resemblances, between objects regarded as essentially of different order; to compare with is mainly to point out differences, between objects regarded as essentially…

Detroit unions settle

They took a small beating now to avoid risking a worse beating later. Either way, they get bruised and scarred. You have to love the way big-city newspapers are the breast-beating champions of the little guy, except when it comes…

Covering the recall coverage

A Stanford professor says print media did a lousy job of covering issues that mattter to families and children. Yeah, but, you know, if Arnie is a groper, our families and children will want to be warned, right? Tim Porter…