Will of Stylin’ and Smilin’ fame has started a blog about the movies. He thought “Passion of the Christ” was a fine thing. The interesting thing about “The Passion of the Christ” is it’s exactly what Gibson billed it to…
Category: Editors’ blogs
Got any Elvis in ya?
Newsdesigner says Dan Rather and Molly Ivins are channeling Mojo Nixon. Hey, there are worse things you could do.
You kids have been busy
Yesterday’s blogroll turned up a host of tasty links. Another trip through this morning reveals yet more goodies. Claire Zulkey on giving blood. Side Salad on seeing George Jones at the Florida Strawberry Festival. Some guys have all the luck.…
Another editor’s blog
Notes-to-self is the name of Cheryl Paquin’s blog. She’s an editor at a newspaper someplace but I haven’t figured it yet. She’s done scads of stuff online over the years — as a quick Google search reveals.
Steamy, aromatic blogroll
Lots o’ links today, as promised. My favorite of the morning: George Kelly attended nuptials at San Francisco City Hall yesterday. You can guess how come. (Not him, silly, he’s already married.) Doc Searls has a swell quote from Gandhi:…
Winkie’s in Tokyo
Sid recounts his arrival halfway around the world: I feel kinda worldly having gone from Hurricane, W.Va., to Tokyo within 48 hours. One day I’m scrapin’ possum off the highway for dinner and the next I’m at a cozy little…
SUVs: Unsafe at any speed
Sheila Lennon excerpts Malcolm Gladwell’s wonderful New Yorker piece on the dangers of SUVs. If you haven’t read the article, get busy. It’s a shocking expose of consumer stupidity and an industry eager to cash in on it.
The problem with “Sex”
Olive Press enlists a 20something friend to explain “Sex and the City.” I’m linking this here only because my employer, like yours, covered this empty vessel of a TV show as if it were the passing of an era or…
Paging the Newsdesigner
Newsdesigner promises to start showing favorite front pages from Newseum. Can’t remember the last time I did anything that showed up on 1A. Sometimes I wonder how much better our papers would be if we put as much effort into…
Ban the spellcheck?
Nicole links to a story saying a news service wants to ban the use of spellcheck. Heck, we’ve still got editors who haven’t learned to use one.