Author: tom

Discarded by the news industry

… Now living out of his pickup truck. This is a near heartbreaking story of a 60ish reporter can’t find work and has been essentially camping out for more than a year. The real pathos emerges from the fact that…

On the job front

Norfolk’s Virginian Pilot needs a features editor. Cincinnati Enquirer needs bodies for its new special section for young readers. Sacramento Bee needs a features designer. Associated Press needs a Spanish-speaking desk editor in Puerto Rico. Alan Greenspan wants you. The…

Last words on said and says

Willcopy and Clay have been ruminating over attribution, so I might as well settle the matter: “Says” paraphrases a statement of opinion that presumably would not change. “Said” is for direct quotes or paraphrasing statements of fact. Whatever you do,…

All meat, all the time

Jen posts to the new blog of a friend who has given up the news biz and run off to cooking school.

When blogging seems like a circle jerk

I’m writing this stuff down so I’ll have stuff to say at the ACES convention, to save my loyal readers from having to sit in on my session. So, here’s another observation about blogging: Say you go to Matt Welch’s…

Never pole vault alone

Ken Stone has a post that tells why. This link hasn’t much to do with newspaper editing but a lot to do with the coolness of blogging. I check all my editors’ blogs for links every day or so. Ken’s…