Author: tom

Sunday diversions

Quinn on tit-a-mania. Autumn on funny stuff they said at work last week. Jay Rosen reports from blogger.con. Bill on the proper comeback to “bless you.”

Back under the radar

Wasn’t that some fun we had yesterday? Got a bit of notice from the Romenesko link … visitor count quadrupled but the numbers are still a dribble: 160 visits Wednesday, 640 on Thursday. My gut feeling is people are sick…

Tampa Trib bloggers saying bye-bye

All three Tampa Trib bloggers are closing up shop: Daily Dave, Clay and Side Salad. 11 a.m. PST UPDATE: Click on comments for updates that clear up most of this and go two-thirds of the way toward exculpating Trib bosses.…

Eight who need jobs

… inspire Correction: make that seven — one just got a job.

Required reading

Because the headline says “State of the American Newspaper.” Excerpt: How are newspapers coping as they try to make sense of the uncertainty in Iraq and stay in position to cover terrorism everywhere? To find out, I spoke with editors…

Job update

Tampa Trib needs an education/social services editor. (Does anybody seriously think they’ll go outside for this hire?) AP needs a Philly news editor. Atlanta Journal-Constitution needs a county bureau chief. Florida A&M University needs an adviser for its college paper.…