See for yourself.
Job update
Wichita Eagle needs a copy editor on the sports desk (I know this because the Mercury News just hired someone away from the Eagle’s sports desk.). Houston Chronicle needs a senior copy editor. Sarasota Herald Tribune needs a copy editor.…
Link payback
Mike Lawson is quitting his day job to be a fulltime freelance newsie. He links to me so I’m returning the fave, and pointing to this swell quote on his blog: Did you hear that the Republican National Committee is…
On corrections
Florida J-student Heather Leslie ponders what ought to be corrected, and what oughtn’t.
Newsflash: JFK ordered full Vietnam withdrawal
Sheila Lennon posts to a blogger’s summation that Kennedy really did want to get us out of Vietnam, and there’s tape to prove it.
Masses still like the media
At least that’s what they’re telling the advertising folks.