How to interview bigshots

Media Bistro offers tips. I like this one especially: 3. Don’t be flexible. In college and high-school journalism, they tell you to be flexible in order to land an interview. Accommodate whatever they need (interview them in a cab, or…

No, no, no, no, no

Steve Earle used to shoot drugs. Now he mainlines the latest news. There’s gonna be times when a writer has to be talked out of being clever, like when likening news addiction to heroin addiction. The former is an affectation,…

Rush is back

On Nov. 17, MediaPost reports. I suggest we litter our pages with extra doses of liberal do-gooderism to give him plenty of material to work with upon his return.

Give your copy editor a hug

I’ve become so accustomed to the “tips for newsies” links on the Poynter site linking to absurd advice that I completely missed “10 things to know and love about copy editors,” which has been up since late last week. See,…

On fighting spam

I don’t know how bad the spam is in your newsroom, but it’s gotten out of hand in ours. The folks at Kuro5hin suggest a way to fight back: by responding to some of those spams, which costs the spammers…