A Christmas thought

It was about 4:30 this afternoon and we were getting near the end of the do-four-days’-work-in-three routine that we always do three times a year, every year, for the privilege of not having to work on the actual holidays, when…

Papa’s Christmas Eve

?Father,? the children said. There was no answer. He?s there, all right, they thought. ?Father,? they said, and banged on their beds. ?What do you want?? I asked. ?We have visions of sugarplums,? the children said. ?Go to sleep,? said…

Stop by Nicole’s blog

For a guide to holiday myths. For instance: “Xmas” is a modern abbreviation that is disrespectful for “taking the Christ out of Christmas.” (The first letter in the Greek word for Christ is chi, which looks like an X in…

Putdown of the day

Foes of a certain former governor are calling his henchpeople Deanie Weenies. (Something made me think, what’s going to happen when everybody starts calling them “Deanie Weenies,” so I put the words in Google and found out, yep, they already…