Game day

I decided to try blogging a playoff game in real time; over at my personal page. Follow along if you’ve got nothing better to do.

Casual Friday

Today I’m playing with my new iBook so don’t expect much blogging. Come to think of it though, this should be a good opportunity to put this little bugger through its paces. I was up till the wee hours getting…

Death to redundancy

Clay rails against “future plans,” which reminds me of something I’ve been meaning to do: compile an exhaustive list of redundancies. Here’s one that bugs me immensely: “Different.” As in “Fourteen different choices present themselves…” With all redundancies, the rule…

On shooting straight

The letters page at Romenesko is buzzing with talk over whether reporters should carry guns in war zones. Comments I most appreciated: From Bryan J. O’Connor:The best advice I’ve ever heard on the topic came from a Latin American correspondent…

Cool links by the bucketful

MediaMayhem blogs on news of a reputed FBI mob snitch whose death was ruled suicide awhile back. You have to scroll down to get to the juicy stuff, but it’s worth the trouble. Speaking of trouble, Brian over at The…