Now I’m up against four other spearkers on the first morning. So far I have the longest title: “The Future Doesn’t Need Us: Web Logs and the End of Editing as We’ve Known it.” See, blogging causes a tendency to…
OK, now I’ve officially had it …
… with “kinder, gentler.” Can we please toss this one out of the airlock, please? The vacuum of space would do it some good. The tipping-point passage: Toner notes that the candidates as a whole are appealing “to a far…
Take me out to the ballbame
It’s funny about how everybody whines about horse-race coverage of the elections and everybody wishes it would go away. Problem is: it can’t. Say you tune in to a ballgame while you’re channel surfing. You see a closeup of one…
Get the nearby news
Tim Porter links to interesting details about how people are most inclined to open a newspaper for local news — several times more likely than they would be for TV or the Internet. The glass offices where this sinks in…
Story idea of the day
A filmmaker went on an all-McDonald’s diet and it made him sick as a dog. Within a few days of beginning his drive-through diet, Spurlock, 33, was vomiting out the window of his car, and doctors who examined him were…
Link payback
Debra Galant, who writes from New Jersey for the New York Times, has a blog in which she explains the universe. Here’s an Onionesque take on the subject of “Open Heart Fundraisers.” WUTEGGSIT, N.J. — The Wuteggsit PTA was devastated…