“American Splendor.” Fun stuff. I reviewed it here.
Orkut: not a killer whale
But maybe a killer app. I sent out e-mails to a few dozen people inviting them to become part of my network at this site. Orkut is designed to help people of similar ages, interests and localities get together. It…
Wow, I have friends
Finally confirmed by the fact that J.D., co-host of the blogger dinner the other night, invited me to join Orkut, a “social networking” site now owned by Google. The site’s in beta now, which means at any given time it…
Like fish in a barrel
It’s that easy for the folks at Testy Copy Editors to dismiss missives posted at The Poynter Institute’s site. Choice zinger of the morning: Myth No. 6 about short writing: Poynter’s “senior scholars” know something about the subject. Speaking of…
Blogger meetup report
I spent several hours last night at a little French cafe in San Francisco with a bunch of bloggers and techie people. Met a guy named George Kelly, who, it turns out, works on the copy desk at the Contra…
Watching the watching watchers
Jay Rosen lobs some zingers at CJR’s Campaign Desk, which carries around a digital backpack full double-standards. The folks at the Desk have riled many bloggers with a nannylike insistence that bloggers who want to be respected must behave respectably.…