Jeff shares his thoughts and those of other people schooled in such things. (Yes, Side Salad was a lot more fun but that’s his businesss).
Letters from the front
… duplicated so soldiers can get back to their primary work of doing good deeds on behalf of the people of America (as a courtesy we are not, as far as I know, requiring the people of Iraq to repay…
‘nother editor’s blog found
Brian Sawyer’s a book editor whose blog’s called the Olive Press. He lives up the road in the Wine Country and writes about a lot of books folks like us would be reading if we weren’t, well, squandering our precious…
One Hell of a story
A buddy of mine I’ll call Gee keeps a Web site called, which existed in happy obscurity until a band called Hell on Earth announced somebody would commit suicide during one of its concerts. Suddenly all manner of goofiness…
On posting unedited copy on the Web
The Testy Copy Editors had a lively debate over it.
International carrier day
Let me say right here, in honor of International Carrier Day, that I learned no valuable lessons about life, economics or journalism from my stint as a newspaper carrier. All I learned was that it sucks to be the only…