“Simpsons” creator says Rupert Murdoch refused to sue himself.
Prolific perjoratives
In honor of the famous BONG Bull, a link to a bunch of newspaper perjoratives. Pray you will one day work for a paper called the Journal, because it can always be called the Urinal, and hilarity will ensue.
Techies vs. managers
Nathan Cochrane has a wonderful parable explaining why techies are always losing their way and why managers can’t seem to help them find it.
For the luciferous among you
Olive Press links to a project that chronicles rarities of the English language. As the site itself points out, the name of the project accurately describes its mission: Luciferous (illuminating, literally and figuratively) Logolepsy (an obsession with words) means “an…
How many times…
… should we read a piece of copy? Clay says, as many as time allows, but at least twice.
The Slot slips into new seat
Blanp parodies theslot.com in honor of Bill Walsh becoming national desk copy chief at the Washington Post. Autumn shares her contribution to Bill’s going-away page.