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Author: tom
George Plimpton dies
Here’s the Google News roundup. Another celebrity passing: Robert Palmer. These bring a question to mind: whom would you rather be remembered as, the Paris Review guy or the guy with the empty-faced, guitar-playing babes in the rock video?
The sexy life of a food writer
Read all about it in “Food Porn” at CJR. I do the production on our weekly Food section, so any lascivious links about food reporting will be latched upon. OK, the serious part: And never before has interest in food…
From Strunk & White’s greatest hits
A participial phrase at the beginning of a sentence must refer to the grammatical subject.
D.L. and the bear
Sorry, but celebrity encounters with huge hairy beasts are too precious to ignore.
Good news about brave U.S. troops
They stood firm in a hurricane to guard the Tomb of the Unkown Soldiers. (There are about 25 punchline opportunities here that I am avoiding because I’m a patriotic American).
A choice Word Spy entry
Headline risk: The risk associated with something or someone that has the potential to generate an excessive amount of negative publicity. Backgrounder: The real risk involved in headline risk isn’t the initial negative publicity, but how the subject ? usually…
Full employment for Seattle newsies preserved
It’s good that all those folks working in one of those newsrooms will keep their jobs, now that the JOA’s been upheld again. But there’s always been something fraudulent about JOAs — under the guise of preserving editorial voices, newspapers…
Share your horror stories
We just had a fun trip down memory lane, sharing tales of being trapped in technology hell. The best stories are from people who suffered the transition from hot to cold type back in the ’70s. If you have any…
Edward Said dies
… read the New York Times obit. Said’s life offers a plain lesson about the tendency of the media to pigeonhole people. From the story: He was an exemplar of American multiculturalism, at home both in Arabic and English, but,…