Doug Clifton, editor of the Plain Dealer in Cleveland, has one. Well, he has the first post out of the way. Next up: putting something on the “About Doug Clifton” page and something on the “favorite links” page, both of…
Author: tom
Sponge for ridicule
I am speaking of yet another example of Poynter Institute silliness, this time praising so-called prize-winning headlines. I could link to the list but I prefer the outpouring of invective over at Testy Copy Editors.
Cowardice, illustrated
Columbia Journalism Review has a piece about a relatively obscure topic — illustrations for the op-ed page — that ends up a blistering critique of an industry scared shitless of its own readers and hostile to creativity. Read the whole…
A day on the press floor
Not the press room, which is full of complaining newsies, but the press floor, which is full of gigantic machines that put ink on pages. A magazine production editor tells of his field tripat : A press floor is…
Revelation alert
Jen of Nonsense Verse fame is a dancer. From her review of Robert Altman’s “The Company,” a film about a ballet company: It struck me that in most of the sequences during rehearsal, when the dancers were told to stop,…
New editor’s blog
Please welcome Chriss Simmons Harris, copy desker at the Odessa American, to the blogosphere. Chriss’ opening post: So here’s the deal. I was once a writer who became an editor and needs to write again. Thus Chriss’ Case is reborn…
Fresh blogroll
A few notable posts I just caught up with this morning: Autumn is working on the opinion pages at the WashPost. (She reads her stylebook while tanning: how’s that for devotion to duty?) Powderhorn airs evidence his battles with the…
Blog slowdown
The pace of posting has slowed down around here lately for a perfectly good reason: blogging was ruining my health. OK, a bit of an overstatement but I decided back in August to forgo my morning workout and concentrate on…
On life in the Big Leagues
OK, I have football metaphors banging around in my brain after having blogged an entire playoff game the other day. The only way to get rid of them is to put ’em here. Football, or any pro sport for that…
Reporters up for adoption
Over the weekend a little dust devil of discussion sprang up over the idea of bloggers “adopting” reporters. Jay Rosen has the summation here The idea is for a blogger to latch onto a byline of a reporter who covers…