Link payback

These are bloggers who’ve linked to Prints the Chaff but aren’t included in my current lists of links. I’m going to add a “link payback” category and add these names to it.

David Akin, Canadian biz reporter.

baileybug, Florida amateur astronomer

Flablog, Mark Lane’s Florida news blog

Gavin’s blog, live from Ireland
Dan Gillmor’s E-Journal,
live from Silicon Valley
sjarvis, Steven Jarvis, web newsie
Kyber?mok, in a foreign language, possibly Czech.

JD’s New Media Musings, J.D. Lasica, new media pundit.

Media Review, sending their own brand of darts & laurels
News addendum, Florida journalism student.

Bruce O’Leary, blogging from Western MA.

Peoria Pundit,
Bill Dennis, a loudmouth and proud of it

PR Opinions by Tom Murphy, public relations guy.

Stuffed in a box, a designer’s blog.

Subterranean Homepage News, from an approved blogger of the Providence Journal.

The Swamp, a way-cool Canadian.

Tiger Beat, San Francisco newsie Steve Rhodes on media, culture and poltics

Rob Witte’s Weblog, links from a techie.

If you want to find out who’s linked to your blog, try; here’s how Prints the Chaff fares in a technorati search.

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