So we can learn 31 ways to tie our shoes! (Link via Outdoor Hacks).
Author Archive for tmangan
Why I hike: a synopsis
by tmangan • August 14, 2006 • 3 Comments
Got his e-mail from a guy named Jim the other day: I haven’t read through all of your entries yet. Maybe what I would like to know is in there someplace. I’d like to see you do an entry on…
Grapes, yes; wrath, no
by tmangan • August 13, 2006 • 0 Comments
The Wine Country is Disneyland for grown-ups: it promises large quantities of things we require — alcoholic beverages — and small quantities of things we’ve outgrown, such as bone-rattling thrill rides. What happens in the Wine Country is that people…
A South African trek
by tmangan • August 11, 2006 • 1 Comment
I stumbled across an adventure called the Addo Corridor Initiative, which aims to establish an ecological corridor across South Africa. The corridor’s advocates are going on a mega-trek starting today. Here’s the rundown: Imagine walking through indigenous forests, over expansive…
Name your poison
by tmangan • August 10, 2006 • 4 Comments
From a thread on poison oak at High Sierra Topix: Before I moved to South Lake Tahoe I lived in Santa Cruz. This was in the late-90s. The house I stayed in was located in a wooded area called Pogonip.…
Too much technology at the national parks?
by tmangan • August 8, 2006 • 3 Comments
National Parks Traveler says we’ve got all the cellphone coverage we’ll ever need already. As I noted earlier this month, more cell-phone access could lead to more reductions in the ranks of park rangers and the national park experience itself,…
On being good
by tmangan • August 7, 2006 • 0 Comments
Redtail is a Pacific Crest Trail thru-hiker who was forced off the trail by knee issues. In the ample spare time he’s had since returning home, he’s amassed a list of thru-hiking rules. No. 5 is my fave: 5. Cultivate…
Newsies on the John Muir Trail
by tmangan • August 7, 2006 • 1 Comment
This is interesting: The Fresno Bee is sending four pairs of writers & photographers out on the John Muir Trail, whose southern terminus is down in the general direction of Fresno. How come? The trail, a north-south footpath completed in…
Yet another hiking-pole story
by tmangan • August 7, 2006 • 1 Comment
I haven’t written about hiking poles in awhile, and this story in an Oregon newspaper offers a fine excuse. The article primarily focuses on “nordic walking,” which I define as cross-country skiing minus the skis and the snow. According to…