From BlackHole & Guac’s Pacific Crest Trail journal, at mile 1050.8: In the afternoon I spotted a big, cinnamon colored bear near a small creek (King’s Creek, I think). BlackHole and I watched him eat, about 200 feet away. We…
Author Archive for tmangan
Working on my technique
by tmangan • July 23, 2006 • 0 Comments
"Lift your feet higher," the voice behind me says. "Lean back a little, balance your weight, and relax." For the first time in two years of hiking, I have a coach. His name is Shiguo, which sounds a lot like…
Three dead hikers
by tmangan • July 20, 2006 • 0 Comments
I hate linking to these stories, mostly because the only time hikers’ names appear in the news is when they get lost or killed, or when their obituaries mention their outdoor proclivities.
The most addictive thing since
the invention of the Crackberry
by tmangan • July 20, 2006 • 0 Comments
How about them bugs?
by tmangan • July 19, 2006 • 1 Comment
GoBlog and National Parks Traveler weigh in on the subject of what attracts mosquitoes to people. GoBlog notes that resarchers are just beginning to study genetic factors that might explain why some people attract mosquitoes like pilgrims to Mecca and…
Careful what you read in the paper
by tmangan • July 19, 2006 • 1 Comment
From an item in the Washington Post a couple weeks back, noting how national parks attendance is down because people are too busy with videogames, DVDs and, ahem, the Internet. Pergams and Zaradic even coined a term for this increased…
Hiking on a ski slope
by tmangan • July 18, 2006 • 5 Comments
No self-respecting reader of this blog would ever stoop to visiting a ski area, trudging to the top of one of the runs, and riding the gondola back down, right? We have to be snobs about something, after all.
I think he’d really rather have his hand back
by tmangan • July 18, 2006 • 6 Comments
Rocky Mountain News profiles Aron Ralston, whose path to fame and fortune involved cutting off a limb to save his fanny. Now he’s swimming in cash from speaking engagements, commercial endorsements, book royalties, etc. Ralston said the book advance exceeded…
Hiking with a tiny babe
by tmangan • July 18, 2006 • 1 Comment
One of the New West writers recounts a hike with her month-old baby. This was my favorite part. Nursing in the Woods: Not as Freaky as Anticipated The kid was going to need to eat a few times along our…