Jobs, kids and lives in general provide a zillion excuses for not hiking (and a raft of other nots: eating right, exercising, calling your mom). I needed to hang around the house this weekend, so the least I can do…
Jobs, kids and lives in general provide a zillion excuses for not hiking (and a raft of other nots: eating right, exercising, calling your mom). I needed to hang around the house this weekend, so the least I can do…
Here’s a post explaining my varied and curious layout decisions. I’m hoping to prove I know enough about blogging to shake loose a few bucks from people who need to know more about it, so I’ve started a series of…
It’s not about the camera. It’s how you use it. Waiting for the right light, shooting only memorable scenes, avoiding shutter-induced blur, cropping and editing the best images you bring home. A lot of people assume I use a fancy…
Update: Disqus made my site slow and was doing some strange things that I could not explain, so I turned it off. I’ve reverted to the old standard WordPress commenting system. Note some people have feared Disqus could hurt search…
I had it on good authority that the rhododendrons were blooming like crazy at Hanging Rock State Park. That was last Monday. Well, as of May 15, the Big Bloom was still on, but like so many hikers it’s moving…
I know, I should do this somewhere else and load all the fixes when I’m done, but I like doing it live. I’m crazy that way. Things’ll look pretty crazy today but hopefully it’ll make sense by the time the…
Panthertown Valley might not have any panthers anymore, but it feels about as wild as a big cat on the prowl. The valley is a 6,295-acre swath of Nantahala National Forest in the far southwest corner of North Carolina about…