Mike Cassidy talked to Bob this week and the honchos liked the story so much they put it on the front page.
“It took a bit of doing,” he told me the other day.
A bit. Like three days, a total of 20-plus hours of arm pushing, chair twisting and back bending to make it the last 1,700-plus feet up from his base camp to the top. No one in a wheelchair had ever made the summit. For a time, Coomber wasn’t sure anybody ever would.
“To a hiker,” Coomber says, “this trail is a piece of cake.” To a hiker traveling on two legs. To a hiker on four wheels, it’s Everest.
Mike has a blog post with more Bob-related details here.
They also let me write a little sidebar. Summation: it never felt so good to be proved wrong.
If you’re wondering why I didn’t write the story myself, well: I hiked the whole way, took all the pictures, copy edited the story, wrote all the headlines and photo captions. Somebody else had to do some of the work.
There sure was a loud cheer emanating from my house when I saw the paper this morning! My neighbors probably thought I was nuts.
Hi Tom!
Loved seeing a fellow wheeler conquering the seemingly insurmountable! Now I want to go climb White Mountain like you did! I just did the Fume Trail in my off-road power wheelchair a few weeks ago. Chech out the photowaypoint map and pictures at http://journeybeyondthechair.com