OK, I get in moods that require me to do things like this now again. Think autistic-savant minus the savant part. These are all the UK-based hiking blogs I found today, with Andy and AktoMan thrown in for good measure.


Alpine Challenge

Auld Bloggery

Bearded Git

Big Galloot

Cairn in the Mist

Mark Croston

Emma’s Fitness Academy Blog

Hard Light

John Hennessy

Hike Wales

Andy Howell

I’m So Dave

I Would Rather Be Walking

Jam Jar

Just Rants and Raves

Lighthikers World

London Backpackers

Cameron McNeish

Dave Mycroft

My Wainwright Wanderings

Peak Walker

Puppy’s World

Alex Roddie

Sally in Norfolk

Alan Sloman’s Big Walk

Skunk Blog

Trekking Britain

The Lake Landers

The Rocker

This Walking Life

Chris Townsend

Ultra-lightweight hiking and backpacking

Walkabout in the UK

Weird Darren

Wilderness Wales