Sarah at Freezerbagcooking recommends TVP:
TVP stands for Textured Vegetable Protein, an affordable and easy to use high protein substitute for meat. It is vegetarian and vegan, heart healthy and most important? It is shelf stable till you prepare it.
Looks like you can make it taste like pretty much anything (wonder if the folks at Mountain House, masters of Cardboard Cuisine, know this?)
I have to keep reminding myself that “everything old is new again.”
I first discovered TVP in Francis Moore-Lappe’s Diet For a Small Planet books in the mid-1970’s. These books were introductions to vegetarianism. She had a chapter in one of her books on complimentary camping, in which the recipies made heavy use of TVP. It was the first plan I’d seen for backpacking meals that didn’t require carrying canned food (especially, meats).
A lot of my home-cooking-for-the-trail meals depend on TVP. I take it for granted that most people have heard of it.
Hmm…have you actually had Mountain House? Because that stuff is actually pretty darn tasty.
I’ve had Mountain House meals and everything I’ve taken along that wasn’t Mountain House (or some other freeze-dried commercial concoction) seemed better by comparison.
Instant mashed potatoes or boxed cous cous with some foil-packaged fish or chicken thrown in is much tastier.
You complained about my review of the Mountain House meals too.. I’m telling you man… Your taste buds are defective. ๐
Have them repaired and try again. ๐
Reminds me of the famous Monty Python skit: “I LIKE Spam!”
I used to be able to eat Mountain House and the others, till one trip in 2004. It was like my taste buds revolted. After that, they all tasted the same.
Maybe I ate too many of them, I was on backpacking trips 2-3 times a month then.
But whatever caused it, I simply cannot eat them anymore. I can eat Mary Jane’s fine but not MH.
The other issue for me now is the sodium. Most people consider a “2 person serving” meal to be one serving. For many MH meals that is 1500-3000 mg of sodium right there ๐ Too much if you have high blood pressure.
On the other hand, I love freeze dried vegetables and fruits!