Another Paula Constant-walks-the-Sahara link:

But, oh, the desert was so beautiful. No matter how tough dune walking is, or how hard it is to find good feed for the camels, I doubt I could ever tire of cresting one of those peaks and looking out to an unending sea of sculptured mounds, the sprays of sand whipping up from their walls glistening in the hard sun. However cliched or over exploited photographically, huge dune seas are a thing of immense, tranquil beauty, and I can never regard them without feeling awed and touched, content somehow inside. There are many facets of the desert that I love; every different landscape has a unique, striking beauty, and sometimes I think that it is sad that it is only the dunes we associate with the Sahara. But when I see them laid out before me like some ancient mythological fantasy, I understand exactly why they are the granddaddy of all desert vistas, and feel abjectly grateful to be able to walk amongst them.

Is there a word for the sensation of topping a hill or rounding a bend and seeing something jaw-droppingly amazing? Oughta be.

Paula’s lengthy posts always require patience from us ADD types, but they are always worth the effort. It’s like she’s offering a window on a desert culture that’s invisible to the rest of the world.