Links kept happening while I was off camping. Let’s take a look:

Hike write-ups

The “Our HIke” gals have their first 38.5 miles behind them. Only like 3,000 more to go as the crow flies (I’m betting they wish they had wings about now).

The Dude saw some cool wings that didn’t involve Paul McCartney.

James Kew saw some web-footed, winged creatures in Contra Costa County.

Don DeBold hikes the Priest Rock-Limekiln Trail Loop at Lexington Reservoir in San Jose (nice combination of Google imagery & GPS to show his route).

Dan Mitchell experienced the two constants of Mission Peak: high winds, cantankerous cows.


Treknologies points to a little light you can mount on your finger to read maps.

GoBlog profiles a Sherpa-approved, expedition-hardy sleeping bag.

Andy Howell explores his new ULA Catalyst ultralight backpack.