This sounds interesting: Marin Moonshiners Monthly Moonlight Hike.

Experience the sunset and moonrise from beautiful Mt. Tam. This monthly 3 mile hike takes place during the full moon. Enjoy socializing and picnicing by the campfire.

We’ll start hiking near Four Corners, then take a break to eat and toast the sunset and full moon rise. From there we will continue downhill to Muir Beach for a campfire and then a short walk to the Pelican Inn for a brew and some socializing. We’ll carpool up the hill to our cars at 9:00pm.

I’m in favor of any hike which has beer at the end.

Next one is Friday, Oct. 26. Might already be full (there’s a 30-hiker limit) but the RSVP contact is John Bennus at (415) 331-0100