Coyote Hills Regional Park is along the San Francisco Bay’s Fremont shoreline. The hills are more like humps and half the trails are paved. A nice place for an easy stroll, and an excellent place to snap off a few frames if the skies and the waters cooperate.

San Francisco Bay

The water’s not this blue, but if the sun’s just right and the sky’s clear enough, the sky reflecting on the water’s surface might give otherwise brown, muddy water a blue sheen.

Cracked mud at water's edge

Cracked mud tends to be photogenic. I considered converting this one to black and white but liked it better in color.

Nice rocks

The hills have a small number of colorful rock formations.

Old guy with radio-controlled glider

Got to the top of one hill, had a snack for lunch and noticed this guy with the wing strapped across his back. Turns out he had a radio-controlled glider.

Radio-controlled glider in flight.

Here’s the glider with the western shore of the bay in the background.

First poppy of the season

First poppy posting of the season. I picked up one of those Gorillapods last month and this is the first time I’ve taken it out on the trail. Does fine work with the macro setting on my digital camera, if I do say so.

The marsh below one of the hills

The park includes the marsh off in the distance — it has boardwalks through it so you can check out the waterfowl. I never have any luck getting pictures of birds so I decided not to wander down there this time.