Well editing

CJR’s langauge corner on the proper use of well. The superstition about “well” seems more widespread than common sense might suggest. Why? A craving for absolutes, perhaps, leading to misguided pedantry. It is well to resist such temptations. Another way…

SacBee shoutout

Nat Henthoff says the Sacramento Bee deserves a Pulitzer for its coverage of the Patriot Act. Among the specific illuminations of how government databases are being filled with the names of Americans unaware they have landed in converging surveillance systems,…

Ahmad Shawkat, former newsie

Iraq’s no place to go around writing stories people don’t like. Sometimes they put a bullet in you. Shawkat ignored letters warning him to close the paper after he published articles criticizing radical Islamists. On Tuesday morning, he paid the…

Heisel posting again

Chris Heisel, who started his new job as an online editor/producer at the Atlanta Journal-Constitution last month, has started updating his blog again. Whenever I have html design riddles, I go to his page first and look at his source…

New stuff at the Hammock

Jeff Houck has some interesting new stuff, including a report from a conference where they said journalists show post-traumatic stress symptoms similar to those experienced by cops and firefighters. See, that means we’re heroes too, right?

Sound familiar?

Tim Porter on newsroom culture and the paucity of training we receive: The culture in most American newsrooms is toxic, dominated by a defensive hierarchy of middle managers who are not rewarded for risk-taking and sustained by systems of reflexive…