L.A. observances

The SoCal-centric L.A. Observed has a couple swell links: How two women became the Super Vixens of L.A. journalism; and a pointer to a legal blog kept by journalist Matthew Heller.

Interviewing with a minder

Tom Murphy of PR Opinions keeps providing an interesting window into the world of PR people. Today’s topic: whether the flack should hover nearby when newsies are interviewing corporate bigshots. An aside: You think you have a tough job telling…

He’s got a Reason

MediaBistro interviews the editor of Reason magazine (posted as a shoutout to Matt Welch, who writes for the mag). His philosophy: Fundamentally, I don’t think the magazine is interested in controlling people’s lives. What we’re interested in doing is reducing…

Nonsense verse …

… on the PR industry trafficking in nonsense. Americans also really, really, really want to trust their authority figures. They’re willing to look the other way, as long as the dude on TV–be he pundit or president–can be persuasive enough…