Editors who write

Testy Copy Editors discuss writing and reporting on the side. Seems obvious but people make me wonder sometimes: Everybody who gets paid to change other people’s writing should be doing some writing of their own, preferably for an audience. (File…

After-Christmas blog roll

Updates from editor people’s blogs: Newsdesigner on the New York Times Magazine’s annual "people who died" issue. Mondo Winkie describes of those moments that always seem to happen to him. Excerpt: “Nah, I’m just a peon,” Advance Guy replies. “Peon,”…

A thread on heads

Blanp rails yet again on people’s lopsided notions of “good” headlines. My favorite riposte: Nearly all winners in headline contests are puns. Usually, they aren?t even funny. Copy editors see this and draw the lesson that they are supposed to…

The ‘Christmas Truce’

It really happened, snopes.com says. A spontaneous ceace fire erupted, gifts were exchanged, good cheer was spread about. Then a couple days later the previously scheduled bloodbath resumed.

My favorite Christmas song

“Cry of a Tiny Babe,” by Bruce Cockburn Mary grows a child without the help of a man Joseph get upset because he doesn’t understand Angel comes to Joseph in a powerful dream Says "God did this and you’re part…