Well, I’ve found fresh font of fury, which is always welcome in the blogosphere, from this Seattle PI story about how people under 30 tune out the news. See, I read it about 15 minutes after reading Part 5 in…
A few more editors’ blogs
Design prodigy Tim Ball has a nifty blog. He’s design honcho at a newspaper in Wisconsin. Lately he’s been tracking an awesome concert coming his way. Remember the story about my co-worker who had a new digital camera the same…
Too much time on his hands
That was the case at Side Salad yesterday, which means oodles of fun links and all-around silliness. Stop by and tell him Happy Birthday.
For all you campaign junkies
The pundits over at Daily Kos have all sorts of interesting stuff to say about where the Democratic primary goes next. Click ‘n’ read the whole thing — lots of juicy tidbits.
Clifton on headlines
The Plain Dealer editor’s second blog entry sends a salute to headline writers: The headline writers are the unrecognized heroes of the newsroom. They are the last set of eyes to examine a story before the reader sees it and…
Get ready for Dubya II
If Iowans are correct that Kerry’s the most electable Demorcrat, better get ready for the Republicans winning every state come November. Sorry, but that hair will not be in the White House except as a tourist. The bloggers who were…