Why they call them Testy

Somebody over at Testy Copy Editors asked what people thought of capitalizing “spring break.” My favorite response: Bu-Gal is being asked to treat spring break as if it’s fuckin’ Ramadan. I empower her to hurl a dictionary in protest. Blanp…

Garage sale survivor stories

Jeff of Side Salad had a garage sale over the weekend. His take on loss-leader marketing: She came flying up in her compact car, got out and, with laser directness, went right for this frame with four $1 bills in…

Wasn’t every boy’s life like this?

Mondo Winkie on viola lessons: As the afternoon sun crept in through the giant windows, I would rockingly transform from a 9-year-old trying to figure out “Mary Had a Little Lamb” into Gene Simmons, jumping around the living room jamming…

Bit of a new look

Scott Shepler, the artist who crafted my page banner art, filled in some colors and made a few nips and tucks here and there. He sent me a new version this morning. You know you’re not really getting art unless…