NanoBots’ Howard Lovy muses on the challenges of reporting on technology so small it can dance on the point of a pin. … take a look at the way important science policy issues are being presented right now (including some…
A tough town for newsies
The New York Times profiles the city where a newspaper editor was murdered awhile back.
Yeah, Right Department
From a Chicago Trib column about naming the ill-fated Cubs fan: “It’s not simply a matter of getting the facts right. Our professionalism demands that we balance legitimate news value against the potentially harmful consequences of our coverage. That’s what…
On the langauge getting away from us
Another Testy Copy Editors thread becomes a debate over putting profanity in the paper. The fact that it’s happening so often these days suggests we’re nearing a critical mass on the issue of printing “family” newspapers. When the family’s everyday…
On making an Ass of U and Me
Clay on always testing your assumptions. He points up the obvious — never assume “they’d never be that stupid” — and adds a subtle hint. A couple of bonus points here: Study the results of your spell check. It contains…
A new look
Scott Shepler, the guy who drew the signature image on my homepage, came through with perhaps the world’s only illustration of an editor printing the chaff. Naturally I had to redesign the whole page to make the visual work ……