Category: Usage

Down on the range

Just for the heck of it, a Bill Walsh Sharp Point on idiotic uses of “ranging from…”

A choice Word Spy entry

Headline risk: The risk associated with something or someone that has the potential to generate an excessive amount of negative publicity. Backgrounder: The real risk involved in headline risk isn’t the initial negative publicity, but how the subject ? usually…

Reader mail

Dear Tom: Something for your “I hate cliches” list. When I was in college, a bunch of folks used to get together to watch old reruns of the Bob Newhart Show (the one where he’s a shrink) and play a…

Last words on said and says

Willcopy and Clay have been ruminating over attribution, so I might as well settle the matter: “Says” paraphrases a statement of opinion that presumably would not change. “Said” is for direct quotes or paraphrasing statements of fact. Whatever you do,…

Get over it

Stylin’ & Smilin’ insists we continue to replace “over” with “more than.” I still do it reflexively, out of loyalty to my favorite professors or something, but I think this battle is lost. “Over” was come to mean “more than”…