A blogger named Greg suggested I start a Hunter Thompson watch, with links to stories detailing his misadventures. So, I did. If you look down on the “categories” list on the left you’ll see a link to the category page where all future HST-related postings will be archived.
As long as you’re in a gonzo mood, check out The Great Thompson Hunt, an HST fan site. It’s got tons of photos, book covers and even scenes from the Woody Creek Tavern. (Favorite bumper sticker: “No Sniveling.”)
More goodies for the all you gonzophiles:
- A Google search reveals these links.
- A Google news search offers some interesting hits.
- The Doc’s ESPN.com column archive is here.
And just for fun, an HST quote revealing his uncanny subtlety.
“Who does vote for these dishonest shitheads?” he writes, referring to the people currently occupying the White House. “They are the racists and hate mongers among us — they are the Ku Klux Klan. I piss down the throats of these Nazis.”
Quote from Salon.com
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