Jeremy Verdusco, copy editor at the Ocala Star Banner, has created, where he plans to perform the usual blogging tasks. What’s unusual about Jeremy’s new blog is that he’s put a lot of work into polishing its look before going public.
I met Jeremy at the ACES conference and we talked blogging a bit. He’s serious about having a fine blog, and he’s requesting feedback. From an e-mail he sent to a few folks, he’d like to know:
- General readability: Are fonts too big, too small?
- Navigation: Do you have any problems getting around the site, or knowing where you are when you get there? That is, does the navigation make sense?
- Rendering: All browsers are created differently. Blocletters has been tested in IE, Safari, Mozilla, Opera and Netscape. Of course, latest versions of each work best, but are you seeing anything that seems wildly out of place? (Note: I’m aware that older Netscapes have some ugliness going on.) If so, what browser and version number are you using?
- Bugs: Do feel free to report anything that doesn’t function as you’d expect.
So, stop in, say hi, welcome Jeremy to the fold.
(Critique No. 1: get thee some permalinks.)