A few notable posts I just caught up with this morning:
Autumn is working on the opinion pages at the WashPost. (She reads her stylebook while tanning: how’s that for devotion to duty?)
Powderhorn airs evidence his battles with the demon rum.
Winkie wonders when we get our country back.
Will Copy has angst over aliases.
Side Salad whistles past the graveyard.
Maud links to proof that Internet junkies are sociable, well-read and *not* in denial about their addiction (OK, I made up the last one)
If you’re the lone holdout amoung Prints the Chaff regulars who hasn’t bookmarked Tequila Mockingbird’s site, her latest post should bring you around.
Another “Just bookmark it and go every day” site: Subterranean Homepage News.
Sheila’s always plugged in to what’s happening now.