True story: Thursday night I had a dream in which I was in a large room with Saddam and George W. Bush. Seemed like it was a press conference. Saddam’s trying to be cute in a Gollum-like way; Bush, who isn’t buying it, walks straight over to Saddam and busts him in the mouth.
Not saying my dream foretold Saddam’s capture or anything, just reportin’ the facts as I remember ’em.
In blogging news, Side Salad has crafted a Saddam Claus. Because, you know, he had to. Question for the world: Could Saddam grow a beard that long in Nine Months?
But seriously folks….
Weighing in on the capture:
Bill in Peoria says he looks like a demented Santa.
Ed Cone notes that Howard Dean’s blog is on the case.
Command Post headline: “Ace in the Hole.”
(OK, I’m back to enjoying my Sunday now).
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