Careful about those Lolitas

I did a Google news search on “newspaper editor” and found this juicy story from Portales, New Mexico:

CANNON AIR FORCE BASE ? The editor of the Cannon Air Force Base newspaper will spend nine months in military prison, be demoted to the lowest enlisted rank, and receive a bad conduct discharge following his court-martial conviction Wednesday for carnal knowledge.

What happened, apparently, is that this 21-year-old guy who edited the base newspaper also had a teen-age girlfriend. Word got back to his superiors, charges ensued and the next thing he knew, he was in the brig. And he got off lightly: maximum sentence is 20 years.

My Google search also turned up
Palm Beach Post obit on longtime newsman Bill Shelton, who died in a car crash. Shelton retired from the Long Beach Press-Telegram in 1993. Shelton had an interesting background:

An officer in the Oklahoma National Guard, he was commissioned a captain in World War II, where he was wounded in the ankle near Remagen Bridge in the Battle of the Bulge. He received a Purple Heart and numerous other medals, his wife said. He was one of six Shelton brothers who served in the war, for which the family earned a presidential commendation.