Avril Dell vents accordingly
I just spent way too much billable time looking for ARGUABLY on your Banned for Life list — and it ain’t there! Kindly add ARGUABLY, for those who believe it means conclusively. It don’t. An issue only remains arguable when there are enough legitimate differences to prevent conclusion. That’s what makes something arguable, ya gomers! Where did the arguable blitherers get the idea they could point to one side of an argument as its conclusion?
I think what they mean to say is that they hope or believe their readers or
listeners agree with their conclusion; or that they’re asserting a fact in
a wussy way, so they can withdraw it if someone objects. Something like that.
but the “arguable” habit is just too goofy. Slippery and illogical.Runners up:
- METEORIC RISE. Huh? As in “blaze briefly on the way down”?
- NOT UN-whatever. I find this one not unstupid.
- GOING FORWARD. Used by homo corporatus everywhere, to mean “next”
or “in the future” or “from now on”. It can always be lopped off the statement,
with no change in meaning. “This is what we’ll be doing, going forward” can
become “This is what we’ll be doing”– as the statement has “future” built
into it. When did anything ever occur “going backward”?- ADDRESS THE ISSUE .Ttell ya what: just deal with it, ok? Just
do it, fix it, trash it, move it, buy it, sell it, fire it, change it, TAKE
THE ACTION. don’t bother addressing the issue; say what you’re going to do
and then do it. Period.- TOUCH BASE. Do NOT touch my base, EVER. I’m serious.