Category: Industry commentary

Hey Clyde, there’s more to life than money

New York Times piece laments inherent newsiness of journos gone bad (and getting rich), and ignores inherent good news: as long as it’s news that our colleagues are screwing up royally, it means the rest of us aren’t. In a…

Enough with the Michael Jackson crap

Yesterday CNN devoted three hours of airtime to Michael Jackson arriving to be charged, leaving to return to Vegas, and physically returning to Vegas. As it was playing on the newsroom TV I erupted in a small of fit high…

Resistance is futile

You will be converged. This is a story about how online newsies are finding their way back where they belong: in the newsroom with the rest of us losers.

Shaw on where the L.A. Times has improved interviews Los Angeles Times media critic David Shaw. Has the Los Angeles Times become a better paper since the Tribune Company acquired it in 2000 and John Carroll took over? David Shaw: I think the L.A. Times under…

More on nano in the news

NanoBot Howard Lovy links to reportage at a newspaper in Oregon that is dipping its toes into the nanotechnology story. The story is neither sexy nor funny; I just want to be able to say, in the year 2020, “oh,…

Onion nails it again

Clay over at Copy Massage points to a subtly hilarioius Onion piece that riffs on the hysterical coverage of media watchdog groups like FAIR: Media criticized for biased hometown sports reporting “In our extensive study of the nation’s sports sections…

Making sports pay

A few online newspapers lucky enough to have pro sports teams in their markets have been trying to make a go of subscriptions services. The folks in Dallas found out that their biggest source of potential subscribers came from people…

Why you deserve a raise

MediaPost analyzes results from eight major newspaper chains and finds that business is improving across the board. Why you won’t get that raise: because, chances are, you work for one of those eight chains.

Dart to Howie Kurtz?

CJR thinks he deserves one for appearing on HBO’s “K Street,” and promoing it on his CNN show. Howard Kurtz, who already wears a somewhat precariously balanced second hat as host of CNN’s Reliable Sources, recently added to his millinery…