Month: December 2003

Wondering about wireless?

Infomaniac points to a special report by CNN and Time. Oh, and just for fun, check out your Geek IQ (Mine was about 116).

BBC newsies must be impartial
in newspaper columns

A new ruling for BBC journalists says they can’t write newspaper columns on controversial issues. Non-controversial stuff like food is OK. Imagine that: Columnists forced to be bland. The great thing about America is that ours do it by choice.

‘Got Him’ and so forth

Testy Copy Editors mull the headlinage on Saddam’s capture. Consensus is that “Ace in the Hole” was a bad idea.

The people you meet

While trolling through a bunch of Saddam pages over at the News Page Designer site (thanks to newsdesigner for the link), I startd noticing the names of people I’ve worked with in the past. So I figured I’d document them…

Dreaming of Saddam

Seems Tim Russert had a dream about Saddam too. But he got to reveal his dream to George Tenet, director of the CIA.

Dipping a toe in the blogosphere

Tim Porter points to the story of Spokesman-Review online editor Ryan Pitts, whose bosses put to work tracking Bloggers’ responses to Saddam’s capture.


Nicole Stockdale points out changes to the curent AP Stylebook.

Saddam’s face…

… is on pretty much all the pages at the Newseum’s front page array.

Saddam caught

Now what? True story: Thursday night I had a dream in which I was in a large room with Saddam and George W. Bush. Seemed like it was a press conference. Saddam’s trying to be cute in a Gollum-like way;…