Overdue link payback

These are sites that have linked to Prints the Chaff since early October, the last time I did a link payback. There are tools to do this automatically but I like doing it by hand, because it’s entertaining finding out about who found their way here. So, in alphabetical order:

American Digest, "Dispatches
from the New America"

Axis of ?vil, photoblog of an
American in Finland

The Crime Fiction Dossier by
David Montgomery, book reviewer

Don Sequiturs by Don Burton, Ohio

Illruminations by Steve Conklin,
a radical dude

Irritant by Max Bruinsma, graphic
design guru

The Joy of Sox by Allan Wood, a
Red Sox blog.

L.A. Observed by Kevin Roderick, Los
Angeles journalist.

Literary pundit, blogging
on literature.

The Ourhouse Weblog by John Moore,
London marketing guy

Ranting profs, group blog of
university warbloggers

Rhetorica by Andrew Cline, professor of

Schwer Log by Augie Schwer, California
computer programmer

Roger L. Simon, mystery writer and

Soapbox by Trevor Cook, Australian
PR guy.

Taco flavored kisses by
Scott Rettig, Indiana manager guy

Tao of Pauly by Paul McGuire, NYC

Thought signals by Mark Tosczak,
reporter for the News-Record of Greensboro, N.C.

Triviana by John Orr, fellow Mercury News

Utter Wonder by Christopher Monks,
writer guy

Matt Welch, L.A. writer &
renaissance guy.

When Knitting Was a Manly Art,
by Jerry Gaiser, currently Melissa’s favorite blog.

Windley’s Enterprise Computing Weblog
by Phillip J. Windley, high-tech guru

World New York by Grant Barrett,
blogging the city’s stories.