All Arnie, all the time

Just as everybody (barring major surgery) has a spleen, everybody has one to vent over the election of Arnold Schwarzenegger as California governor. A sampling from the usual Prints the Chaff suspects:

Off-topic, a natural-born arbitrator

The only thing both sides can agree on is the biggest lie of all: that one side has a monopoly on honesty.

Nonsense Verse, on whose depradations of women are worse:

Women? This is where the irony gets slathered on all thick and nasty and pukey-like. Here, I’d like to paraphrase my dear sweetness, who in conversation the other night summed it up beautifully: “Bill Clinton was impeached for fibbing about whether he had consensual sexual relations with a woman, while Schwarzenegger is going to be elected governor of California, even though he groped–that is, sexually assaulted–over a dozen women without their consent?!” Yup. Pretty much. Doesn’t it make you all miserable and nauseated and icky barfy bilious inside?

Newsdesigner, on the most stylish use of Arnie puns in headlines.

But the maddest props, as the kids say, goes to a surprisingly strong showing from the young up-and-comers at the Kalamazoo Gazette and Wyoming Tribune-Eagle with a sly yet bold “Hasta la vista, Davis”! They were joined – with a traditional twist – by the always reliable stylemakers at the Chicago Tribune: “California voters tell Davis ‘Hasta la vista, baby'”. Well done, dudes!

To sound a note of sanity, The Slot says his own paper got it right. And he’s right.

Tim Porter stays out of the fray but posts a link to the front pages of major papers to show how they covered the recall.

Mondo Winkie sums up my view:

First off, may I please say how thoroughly tired I am of the California recall?

Well, I’m not quite tired out just yet; I have a few more links before I let this subject die:

On the subject of how editors should handle that 14-letter name, Associated Press reports:

Editors who’ve watched dozens of Schwarzenegger’s films and followed his wife’s family for half a century might take the liberty of calling him Arnold — or even Iron Arnie, as he is referred to by the Kleine Zeitung newspaper in his native Austria.

Eric Deggans of the St. Pete Times on how Arnie sidestepped the press:

Schwarzenegger’s strategy came full circle Tuesday night, when comic Jay Leno introduced his victory speech – “Tonight is a testament to just how important an appearance on The Tonight Show can be,” Leno cracked – two months after the Austrian-born actor had announced his candidacy on the NBC program. On the cable news channels, actors Ron Silver, Tom Arnold and Rob Lowe provided analysis alongside journalists and politicians.

As the old curse goes: may you live in interesting times.

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